... let's celebrate this beautiful world we inhabit! Take a virtual tour here, and make a wish for Peace while you delight your eyes! :) (A real trip is of course also possible – see here)
Make someone's day! Let him/her know [s]he's special. After all, what's nice shouldn't be taken for granted!
Hug o'war - why go on tugging?!... Let's Celebrate Humanity, together! Where you are from, your color, creed, age, education, etc., this is all irrelevant here: first & foremost we are all members of Humanity! We belong to Planet Earth, we need the same oxygen & the same nutrients to live, we love, hope, dream, cry & laugh all the same way. We are all so basically alike in our great diversity! Let's become genuinely motivated toward mutual respect, tolerance, love & understanding -- unconditionally!
Dear MieNet Guest/Friend: MieNet was born out of the different Web sites I used to have, each focusing on one of my many areas of interest. Hope you'll enjoy some of the personal Scopes that I share with you on these pages, among which: my long interest and passion for people, and humanity in general, the treasure of friendship, my love of music, and the guitar in special, plus my singing and playing around the world, interesting/useful links, images, book & movie reviews, film previews, free eBooks & lots of other free stuff that I offer you,
+ freestuff that have come across while surfing the Web, free downloads (incl. my own songs), my favorite software, games and music that we can play on-line, exciting possibilities that on-line education opens, some of my cultural and academic interests, my research on and passion for time, and yet many other Scopes, in addition to MieNet's , all of which you'll discover as you browse around.
I'm honored with your visit!
Relevant to mention as well is this Site's modest two-cents of contribution for a nicer world for us to share: a section devoted to human welfare, which is also aimed at supporting all initiatives in behalf of us, human beings, and of any aspect of the universe we live immersed in. You can be sure of my appreciation beyond words for your heart's solidarity regarding this cause and your motivation to share about it with your friends, as well. For any suggestions, requests, bug-reports, complaints, or incentive, pls. click here to contact me. Other than that, has any area within this small network talked to you in any special way? Then let me hear from and about you. It will be my privilege. Have a pleasant stay!:) Mie
The Songs of Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Starr. Performed by The Beatles. Lyrics only. Complete lyrics to every song ever recorded by The Beatles. Size 7x10 inches. 256 pages. Published by Hal Leonard. (308137)
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Finally, I wish to express my sincere thanks to each of you, among the thousands of visitors who have come by from all corners of the Globe, to enjoy what I have been sharing here since mid 2001, when the previous “Mie-WebWise” and “Mie-NetScope”'s were all merged into “MieNet”!