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Welcome to my personal network!
e-Learning, @ MieNet
On-Line Education Opportunitites
& Related Resources
A very nice bonus that the Web has brought along is that you can increase your knowledge in the confort of your home!
Knowledge, whatever the area, is always a wonderful addition to our lives.
New knowledge opens new horizons, makes us find life and people more interesting, brings about delightful ah-ha's, and so much more!
Or, on a more practical level, if you'd like a promotion, or a better job, again on-line education certainly comes in handy!
Education being one of my fields, of course this new way of learning that the Web makes possible caught my eye.
Below is a list that I have been collecting. It contains the best on-line education sources & related resources that I have come across so far. There are short courses, longer courses, education leading to various degrees, as well as a good number of links to tips that can be useful, scholarship possibilities, and help getting a job.
I have sorted out the information according to some main areas. So, you just need to click on your area(s) of interest, below, if you'd like immediate access to its related information:
The current list has been growing, little by little, as I find other useful/interesting links. So, come by now and then, and check what's new.
Here's a convenient suggestion: sign up below to be automatically notified by e-mail every time this page is updated.
This service monitors changes on Web pages and reports accordingly. It is free, and likewise spam-free (you can read their privacy policy below).
Incidentally, I've just opened an on-line education page also for the young ones. Give it a try, once you're through browsing below. There is a link also at the bottom of the current page.
General Education:
at BBC Shop.com
Language Related Education & Resources:
-- for Your WebSite and/or for You - English + Romance Languages
: Your Personal Language Guide -- - all levels & areas of language use - practical or technical (you choose) -
: Your Personal Language Guide -- - all levels & areas of language use - practical or technical (you choose) -
Computer and/or Internet Related Education & Resources: