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Vase or Face?...
Can the eye lie?...
Either answer is correct!
(Click here for the question and for the larger, original image.)
It all depends only on how your eyes focus on the picture:
focus on the foreground and you see the vase;
focus on the background and you see the faces.
This simple! :)...
The world, as we know it, often consists of what we see, not necessarily of what is there (this might vary slightly or considerably, from observer to observer).
Here are a few more examples of ambiguous images. What we see, once more depends on how we focus:
Do you see part of a face? (man with thick eye brows and a moustache) – or do you see a cat?
Do you see a smiling face? (each half painted in distict color, as some sports fans may do) Or do you see two faces? (one facing you, the other a profile)
Do you see a funny face? Or do you see a hammock hanging between two trees, on a very small island?
Below are other interesting examples, which can trick the eye:
The yellow half of the moon looks larger than the black half...though if you could measure them, you'd find out they are identical in size.
How about the circles below?

Yes, you've probably guessed it: they are indeed identical (except of course for the color); even though this is not what the eye seems to tell us.
Indeed all our senses may deceive us–not just the eye.
See here how time may seem to contract or expand, even though a clock dial or chronometer would register no such discrepancy.
Still curious about why we see what we see, hear what we hear, etc. (versus what may be there)?
Find out yet more .
Below are a few images for you to enjoy. Now, if you've found this page interesting, you won't want to miss MieNet's Illusion Image Galleries.

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