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   Mother's Day!


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Jam up with friends or family on Mother's Day and give your Mom a lovely time! :)

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Quote Collection for special Mother's Day quotes.
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Celebrating Mother !

- on Her Day -
- and 365¼ days every year -

 To every Mom on Earth

  and, very especially, in memory of my own

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As usual, there's plenty more to be thankful for than we are likely to be aware of.
It is so easy to take for granted so much that we benefit from, whereas alarm-bells are quick to ring, as a rule, at much that seems discomforting, disturbing, or detrimental.
My personal life experience has shown me the relevance of making the time to be thankful, especially when we're caught amid the rush of modern life.
MieNet's Pages on Friendship have been aired as a token of my deep appreciation to the wonderful Friends I feel so privilege to have made in so many corners of the world. So are MieNet's Coffee Pages as well, these more broadly intended to convey my heartfelt appreciation to you – personal Friend or not – who take your time to visit me here, at MieNet. And now and then I share as well an extra token of my appreciation to you, be it a new song on line, or a an output of my old hobby in amateur photography, or whatever else.
Having a special respect for the young ones – as well as the elderly – the fun stuff and more especially the educational and the musical fun sections are on line as a token of my appreciation to the young friends that I'm blessed to have made and to all other young ones who honor me with their visit and time. A special corner has long been planned for the elderly. And certainly it will be added to the Sections already on-line.

The Page that you and I are on now, however, transcends all the above, as far as the dimension, depth, intensity of the appreciation that it has been entrusted to convey, a task that challenges my own intimacy with language.
So I beg you to read between the lines, as well as in the sum of lines meant to celebrate Motherly Love.
Should you enjoy the result of this effort (transcribed below),
Mother Power: the Difference That Women Have Made All over the World

by Jacqueline Hornor Plumez
you have my permission to copy or print it (whether to share it with someone or to make of it an extra gift to your Mother). In exchange all you need is to cite the full URL of this page, either right below or above the text, as the copyright is of course mine.
Now, if you, too, happen to be a mother, then please take the text below as a small but heartily gift from a mother to another.
In addition to the poems on this page, I have a few other gifts for you, in a well-deserved daily celebration of every Mom, and in celebration of Mother's Day, as well:
As far as my gifts to you, above, please feel free to share with a friend or to use as extra gifts to your Mother, if you find them meaningful. All I ask in exchange is that you cite the full URL of the respective page, as I retain the copyrights of all texts and music I publish on-line. The song, I should clarify, is a four-hand joint effort, ©2004 MieNet &

     Below are the lines intended to celebrate the sublime experience of Motherly Love


Motherly Love is in a category of its own
And blessed are we who can enjoy it
   up to full adulthood
      and beyond.

A Unique Love

Love that de-lights in reciprocation
     but that does not need to feed on it
whether joyfully or painfully
     Motherly Love is
     its unequaled caret unshakable

Motherly Love transcends time and space
     no matter how distant

Motherly Love is sunny
     in all weathers

Motherly Love is full understanding
     being with
     immune to whatever despites
   more than a true ally
     a Divine Accomplice
       where Loyalty beyond proof
       emerges in sublime colors
Motherly Love is true companionship
     whether close or far

Motherly Love is devotion beyond description
     beyond retribution, as well
       unless we're blessed in adult life
     to canalize our own Motherly Love
     also toward our Loving Moms
   but even then
     we don't manage to balance the account
Motherly Love is kind
     kinder to us than we, ourselves, could ever be
Motherly Love is beyond forgiving
                 (here's a needless word in her dictionary)
     a Mother's Heart is woven in Love
       beats Love
       pumps Love
       purifies all emotional fall-outs
         into Love
Motherly Love is silently wishing
     faithfully praying
   though always ready to accept
     and virtuously offer her blessings
       should her children choose different
The language of Motherly Love
   is likewise void of self-prefixed terms –
     self-reward, self-interest, self-...
Motherly Love reaches out
Motherly Love is the gentle caress
   of a balmy Summer breeze
   flowing throughout the Seasons
Motherly Love is soothing
though Motherly Love is rock-solid
Motherly Love is protective
Motherly Love is caring
Motherly Love is supportive
Motherly Love is bountiful hugging
   well beyond the arm's reach
Motherly Love is pure bliss
Ah!...Motherly Love?
Unconditional Love
Love kin to the Divine
sublimely beautiful
All the diamonds on Earth
All the flowers on Earth
All the chocolates on Earth
   are too small a token
   of how precious
     how gracefully gracious
     how sweet   . . .

They all fall so short of evoking
     the gratitude
     the appreciation
       (both, just as well, way beyond words)
     that a Mother's Heart deserves
       not only on Her Day
     but truly
at every moment of her existence !
              Thus also these broken meters
              set a'flowing in the virtual stream
              where perhaps, at a quantum level,
              that which has found language inadequate, gauche
                 to convey
              can ultimately meander its way somehow
                 into my mother's heart
              and in that Sacred Chamber
                     gently place
                 a most loving kiss
                   of appreciation
                   of gratitude
                   of filial esteem!

©MieNet, April, 2002
Dedicated to my Mother,
the most amazing human being I've ever met,
now living forever in my heart,
and dedicated, too,
to all Mothers on our Planet

Now in memory of my older Sister, too,
whom Mother had me, as a kid, learn to love
also as a ‘second mom’

Click for the song Angel Song To MotherAngel Song To MotherClick for the song Angel Song To Mother Free MP3


Check MieNet's
Quote Collection for special Mother's Day quotes.


The Love of a Mother
               Helen Steiner Rice

It takes a Mother's Love
To make a house a home
A place to be remembered,
No matter where we roam.

It takes a Mother's patience
To bring a child up right,
And her courage and her cheerfulness
To make a dark day bright.
It takes a Mother's thoughtfulness
To mend the heart's deep hurts,
And her skill and her endurance
To mend little socks and shirts.
It takes a Mother's kindness
To forgive us when we err,
To sympathize in trouble
And bow her head in prayer.
It takes a Mother's wisdom
To recognize our needs,
And to give us reassurance
By her loving words and deeds.
It takes a Mother's endless faith,
Her confidence and trust,
To guide us through the pitfalls
Of selfishness and lust.
And that is why in all this world
There could not be another,
Who could fulfill God's purpose
As completely as a Mother

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