Enjoy my Thanksgiving
Image Galleries: I + II + III
We usually have more to be thankful for than we are likely to remember.
Not only can the good easily be taken for granted, but also while busy enjoying it...how do we get the chance to become fully aware of it?...and make the time to be thankful?...
The bad, in turn, usually disturbs enough to speak loud on its on...we then readily take notice.
At this special time, I wish to Thank You for visiting and supporting MieNet, as well as to offer you a song that, in its own way, is a thanks to Life and its wonders. Click here for the lyrics and links to download.
If you can understand Portuguese, you may enjoy a second gift, a variation on the theme just mentioned, though a song of a different nature, altogether. Click here for a live recording of this song in Portuguese (the lyrics are not yet available on-line).
This page will not be removed after Thanksgiving.
Pls. note, however, that only around Thanksgiving time
can we have related news headlines!
(For the remaining of the year, whatever news there may be
related to giving thanks, to turkeys, etc., will appear below.)