
Music & Fun!

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Now it is your turn to make some music! :)
Except for the guitar tuning page (restricted to playing the six notes corresponding to the open strings on a guitar) all the other pages that you can access below will offer, each, the possibility of turning your computer into a musical instrument.
I hope you derive some enjoyable moments, trying them all out:).
...well, if you happen to make a nice melody of your own, and manage to record it, how about sending me a note on it?:)
Just please do not send the song file right away. Please e-mail me first, to tell me about your musical composition! (You'd waste your time sending immediately: my MailBox will not accept anything larger than 200Kb.)
As I answer you, I will then let you know where and how to upload the song file for me on the Web.
Then I'll go get it, and will enjoy your song!
Humm...Who knows we could not end up writing a song together?! :)...
Loading Speed: Depending on the speed of your modem connection and of your system, the pages in this section might take a little longer than usual to load. Please be patient. |
The music applets on the pages to follow, Guitar Tuner, Xylophone, Music Keyboard, Piano & Frequency Generator, have been tested on Netscape 4.5 + MSIE 5, and later versions.

This fun Corner @ MieNet
is dedicated to Jacques, Mikkel and Line,
and all other quick-minded, warm-hearted young musical ears!
Hej! Jacques, Mikkel og Line! )
Kan je høre "The Pink Panther"?:)...
Disse sider er til jer, med mange kærlige hilsener fra mig!
PS: Jeg håber, i vil nyder at spille en masse gode musik her, hos mig,
og have det rigtigt sjovt med det! )
Texts, images and music on this site
unless otherwise indicated.
Have a very nice day/evening/night!
...and return soon! |
Tenha um ótimo dia/noite!
...e volte em breve! |
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