World Cup Groups & Rankings
Below: All 2006 World Cup Squads and their FIFA Ranking (here listed alphabetically, except for the Hosting Nation and the current World Cup Champion, both of which appear at the top).
Additionally, the letters for the Group that each Squad has been placed in are indicated, in bold green capitals, followed by the number used for each Squad in Leipzig, when the final drawing of the World Cup Groups took place.
See here the special Ranking according to which the country Squads to be seeded in Germany-2006 emerged.
Finally, check the page Top Coaches - 2005, the data on which may help render this Section yet more interesting.
Has Group C properly been labeled the "Group of death"?... Take a look at these pages and decide for yourself!
Please Note: the Ranking below reflects that available at the moment the Groups were drawn, in Leipzig, Germany (the Rankings⁄Points are dated Nov.05, 2005, on the FIFA site). Updated lists (albeit just modestly altered – pls. see below) are available: Final 2005 Rank Update, 2006 Rank Update 1, 2006 Rank Update 2, 2006 Rank Update 3, 2006 Rank Update 4, 2006 Rank Update 5, and Post_WC Rand Update (to be released following the conclusion of this World Cup).
FIFA's Ranking |
Alphabetical List  |
Germany (WC Host):16•A1 |
Brazil (2002 Champion):1•F1 |
Angola:62•D3 |
Argentina:4•C1 |
Australia:49•F3 |
Costa Rica:21•A2 |
Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast):41•C2 |
Croatia:20•F2 |
Czech Republic:2•E4 |
Ecuador:37•A4 |
England:9•B1 |
France:5•G1 |
Ghana:50•E2 |
Iran:19•D2 |
Italy:12•E1 |
Japan:15•F4 |
Korea Republic (South):29•G3 |
Mexico:7•D1 |
Netherlands (Holland):3•C4 |
Paraguay:30•B2 |
Poland:23•A3 |
Portugal:10•D4 |
Saudi Arabia:32•H4 |
Serbia and Montenegro:47•C3 |
Spain:6•H1 |
Sweden:14•B4 |
Switzerland:36•G2 |
Togo:56•G4 |
Trinidad and Tobago:51•B3 |
Tunisia:28•H3 |
Ukraine:40•H2 |
United States:8•E3 |
Bold Green Capital Letter and Number, above, following the Rank Number and "•":
They indicate the World Cup Group (letter) and the Squad order within the Group (number), as assigned at the FIFA drawing, December 9, 2005, in Leipzig.
These 'Group Squad numbers' are handy to have nearby, as World Cup data, published previously to the Leipzig drawing, refers to the participating Squads (now assigned to their Groups) solely by a number (1 to 4) and the Group letter (A to H). All match planning has originally been done on the basis of these letters and numbers, as above indicated.
Here is a more complete Ranking Table, where Squads are listed by their FIFA Rank number.
As already remarked, FIFA's last 2005 update and subsequent updates for the World Ranking are available in this eBook section. As also remarked, these latest updates mostly carry just minor alterations, as compared to the above displayed data, based on FIFA's World Ranking dated Nov. 05. 2005. (Though the largest majority of these alterations is not significant, they are briefly commented here and in a bit more detail here)
Abbreviations, above: used by FIFA, as well as in this eBook.
Numbers 1-4, above, correspond to the numbering used for the Groups drawing,
in Leipzig (2005), number one being the seed.squad, in each Group.
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