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The Time Pages


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When a man sits with a pretty girl for an hour, it seems like a minute. But let him sit on a hot stove for a minute--and it's longer than any hour. That's relativity.
[ Albert Einstein ]
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A long trip starts with the first step.
[ Lao Tse ]

Time: adorner of the ruin, comforter and the only healer when the heart hath bled.
[ Lord Byron ]

Time exists because there is activity... Time is the product of changing realities, beings, existences.
[ Nicholas Berdyaev ]

What then is time? If no one asks me, I know what it is. If I wish to explain it to him who asks, I do not know.
[ Saint Augustine, Confessions ]

Time: nothing else than protraction, but of what I know not; and I marvel, if it be not of the mind itself.
[ Saint Augustine ]

It hardly matters if time is real; at the very least we talk as if it is.
[ Robert I. Binnick ]

Time is of your own making; its clock ticks in your head.
The moment you stop thought, time too stops dead.
[ Angelus Silesius ]

Wasting time is an important part of life.
[ Anonymous ]

He asked me if I knew what time it was. I said, Yes, but not right now.
[ Steven Wright ]

Time's glory is to calm contending kings,
To unmask falsehood and bring truth to light.
[ Shakespeare, The Rape of Lucrece, 939 ]

Come what come may, Time and the hour runs through the roughest day.
[ Shakespeare, Macbeth, I, iii ]

Man fears Time, yet Time fears the Pyramids.
[ Arab proverb ]

No man is rich enough to buy back his past.
[ Oscar Wilde ]

People often find it easier to be a result of the past than a cause of the future.
[ Anonymous ? ]

I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.
[ Thomas Jefferson ]

It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.
[ Robert Goddard ]

The past is history, the future is a mystery,
now is a gift – that's why it's called the present.
[ Anonymous ]

Life is a journey, not a destination.
Happiness is not "there" but here, not "tomorrow" but today.
[ Sidney Greenberg ]

The future influences the present just as much as the past.
[ Nietzsche ]

Look to the past to inform the future.
[ African saying ]

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.
[ Eleanor Roosevelt ]

Change is the process by which the future invades our lives.
[ Alvin Toffler ]

The present contains nothing more than the past,
and what is found in the effect is already in the cause.
[ Henri Louis Bergson ]

The past is the present, isn't it? It's the future too.
[ Eugene O'Neill ]

The biggest difference between time and space is that you can't reuse time.
[ Merrick Furst ]

Venerable old age is not that of long time, nor counted by the number of years: but the understanding of a man is grey hairs.
[ Wisdom, 4:8 - The Holy Bible  (Latin V.) ]

You can't do anything about the past; you can only do something about the future. You would be a bitter and twisted old man at the age of 40 if you always looked back.
[ ]

No matter how long you live, die young.
[ Elbert Hubbard ]

Whether time is long or short, and whether space is broad or narrow, depend upon the mind. Those whose minds are at leisure can feel one day as a millennium, and those whose thoughts are expansive can perceive a small house to be as spacious as the universe.
[ Hung Tzu-ch'eng ]

Eternity is in love with the productions of time.
[ William Blake ]

To see a world in a grain of sand,
And a heaven in a wild flower,
Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,
and eternity in an hour.
[ William Blake ]

The present is only a mathematical line which divides
that part of eternal duration which we call the future,
from that which we call the past.
[ H.P.Blavatsky ]

Our time is as the passing of a shadow, and there is no going back of our end: for it is fast sealed, and no man returneth.
[ Wisdom, 2:5 - The Holy Bible  (Latin V.) ]

Yesterday is not ours to recover,
but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose.
[ Lyndon B.Johnson ]

The other day I put instant coffee in my microwave oven ... I almost went back in time.
[ Steven Wright ]

Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid.
[ Frank Zappa ]

It is not the hours you put in your work that counts, it is the work you put in the hours.
[ Sam Ewing ]

The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.
[ Rabindranath Tagore, Stray Birds ]

Love the moment, and the energy of that moment will spread beyond all boundaries.
[ anonymous ]

The future comes one day at a time.
[ Dean Acheson ]

When it is wrong today, we call them crazy; when it is right tomorrow, we call them a genius.
[ in: Facets of Geniality, National Geographic TV station ]

He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils; for time is the greatest innovator.
[ Francis Bacon, Of Innovations ]

The farther backward you can look,
the farther forward you are likely to see.
[ Winston Churchill ]

If you want the present to be different from the past,
study the past.
[ Spinoza ]

Life must be lived forwards,
but it can only be understood backwards.
[ Søren Kierkegaard ]

Men talk of killing time, while time quietly kills them.
[ Dion Boucicault, London Assurance ]

Time: That which man is always trying to kill, but which ends in killing him.
[ Herbert Spencer, Definitions ]

Time is the substance from which I am made. Time is a river which carries me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire.
[ Jorge Luis Borges ]

There are, assuredly, two forms of The Eternal:
the formed and the formless, the mortal and the immortal.
the stationary and the moving, the actual and the yon.
[ Upanishads ]

To be aged, but not old.
[ Charles Aznavour, on the BBC, March 2000. ]

The quality of your life is in direct proportion with the amount of uncertainty that you can live with.
[ Anthony Robbins, on CNN, January 2000. ]

Boast not of tomorrow, for you know not what any day may bring forth.
[ Proverbs, 27:1 - The Holy Bible ]

is not a matter of chance,
it is a matter of choice.
It is not something to be waited for,
it is something to be pursued.
[ anonymous ]

Love is space and time made directly perceptible to the heart.
[ Marcel Proust ]

We feel as if time runs in a past-to-future direction, when we are actively involved in the doing, busy with getting ahead with our projects.
Conversely, we feel as if time runs in a future-to-past direction when, in contrast, we hold a rather passive attitude, in which case "life happens" to us, instead.
[ Source: Froes, ]

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