
at Valentines

Happy Valentine's Day !
Let's celebrate!
Love & Music [ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | News | Free eBook ]
This + the following pages
bring you
MieNet's gifts to you & your Valentine,
many original tips, & ideas,
a good number of free goodies,
to inspire you and your Valentine
into making this a lovely, unforgettable day! :)...
Browse & enjoy it all!

Free Love Song!

Why not give your computer,
and your Valentine's, too,
a romantic flavor?!...
Tip: Download the Celebrations Icon Library,
where you'll find romantic icons,
hearts smiles, flowers, etc.

Get yet more icons here:
20000+ Icons, to suit all tastes, needs & interests.

Choose one or more of my songs
download free any/all you wish:)
Why not burn a CD for your Valentine?:)...
A gift that we make, ourselves, has such a special flavor!
Nothing compares to a personal touch,
especially when the gift is for
that One person we love :)...

Need quality equipment to make this CD?
Check Yomega's sales:
At , you can find
their excellent CD-ReWriters for up to half the price.
Need more tips in this area?
Need to give your Valentine the means to listen to
the MP3's you'll be giving him/her?
Then drop by my MP3 tips Page
and Software tips Page, as well.
And check where you can get Get Choose from over half a million songs!
Alternatively, you can choose among thousands of songs available for download at , where you can have unlimited listening access to their 900,000+ songs (from close to 50,000 artists). You can try 's services for 14 days free.

And here are yet more music tips:
Enjoy the Valentine Section at
This is a fun place to visit!:)

Finally, check , too!
This is a great site to visit,
whether you want to play, to listen, or just to browse!
You can search them right below.
They have an incredible stock of
romantic music, love songs, etc,...
+ super quality service & very low prices
(this is always the first place I go to, for my music supplies)
and if you or your Valentine play a music instrument,
then this is a must-visit place for you!:)
You, guys, will love my favorite feature at :
their "music minus one" series!
I share about it here

Happy Valentine's Day !
[ Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | News | Free eBook ]
Don't forget to send a Romantic E-greeting
wrapped in many layers of Love!
Valentine's Day is great time
to indulge in "love spree-ing" :)...

Want yet more inspiration? See my Friendship Pages !
= Related WebRings =
Doing something for someone else
Isn't really for someone else...
It does twice as much for you
As something you do
Just for yourself ! :)
Excerpt from:
[ by Burt Bacharach
& Hal David ]

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